Contact us

To contact us, please email us.

If you would like your organization or group to get special designation or show in a special way, this is the place to do it.

Gaining Special Designation

  • Contact us using your official organization email that carries authority, e.g.
  • Tell us which designation you would like applied to your users, such as Emergency Services or Hospital.
  • Let us know the user ID's that your organization controls and will be responsible for and the corresponding designation for each.
    e.g. 1285 - Emergency Services, 1289 - Emergency Services.

There is no guarantee such a designation will be granted, or once granted remain permanently, they are granted or removed at our discretion.

Perhaps there are additional useful designations that you would like added to the system, let us know.

We really would value feedback or suggestions, which can also be done by email.


We are in need of donations / funding for this project.

This website has been developed using our personal time, wihout any monetary compensation. We would like to dedicate futher time to improving its features.

Please consider donating to our work.

Email Us Donate